Things to Buy to Make Money in 2024

In 2024, there are various items you can buy both offline and online that could earn you money immediately or over time. Here are some considerations tailored just for you.


Cryptocurrencies have emerged as a viable option for earning money online in 2024. This involves buying digital assets such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, or even altcoins, anticipating their value to increase over time. However, you must monitor market trends, stay informed about specific projects, and consider a long-term investment strategy.


Stock trading or buying stocks is another means to make money online in 2024. To be efficient, you need to analyze the performance of a particular broker, check financial reports, and have a proper view of industry trends to make the right decisions. As a pro tip, Invest in companies with growth potential and a strong track record. 

Real Estate

Buying property in growing markets can be lucrative if you have enough money. You can start by identifying areas that have increasing demand as buy options. Then, use any real estate strategy, such as rental income, property appreciation, and strategic selling, to make money via your acquired property.

Antiques and Collectibles

Antiques are valuable items that can be appreciated over time. However, to make money from it in 2024, buy these items by attending auctions or visiting antique stores and sell them to collectors physically or through online platforms. But, it would help if you were sure that the antique you are buying is of unique quality.


Buying a car might be a game changer for you to start making money in 2024. How? Well, you can use your newly purchased vehicle for public transportation or rent for several occasions and, in turn, get paid. However, as time goes on, selling this car and buying a new one for business continuity might be a good option.


Making money from artwork involves purchasing art pieces from emerging artists or acquiring undervalued paintings. This has to be your first approach to maximizing profit and having more money to buy professional artwork. However, you can sell these collectives through galleries, auctions, or online platforms.

Laptop or Smartphone 

If you have freelancing skills such as content writing, editing, or creation, buying a laptop or smartphone is your gateway to making money online in 2024. With your computer or smartphone, you can easily apply for jobs and complete them without much difficulty while getting paid for your services by your clients.

Domain Names

Another way to make money in 2024 is by buying and holding valuable domain names for resale. With the high demand for suitable domain names by website owners and bloggers, possessing a short, memorable, and keyword-rich domain can earn you a significant amount when you sell it.

Tech Gadgets

Due to the advancement of technology, buying and selling tech products like phone accessories can earn you money over time. You need to identify innovative gadgets with a high potential for mass adoption. As a pro tip, buy from reputable companies that offer a warranty in case of any device faults.

Vintage Clothing

Buying and selling unique vintage pieces can be profitable in 2024. To begin, Scout thrift stores and online platforms for rare and high-quality vintage clothing and sell your products via local shops or online using an e-commerce shop.

Limited Edition Items

To make money in 2024, check and purchase items with limited editions with the foresight that they may become rare in the future. This limited availability can drive demand and make these items valuable to collectors, earning you money as you sell them.


Buying a camera presents you with a basket full of opportunities to make money both online and offline. With your camera, you can attain several occasions offering photography services for clients to get paid. Alternatively, you can create a website where several people can pay to access an image you posted. Either way, it’s a win-win situation for you.

Home Automation Devices

Smart home technology devices, such as smart alarms, smart TVs, etc., reflect technology’s increasing integration into households. However, buying and selling these items can be your perfect opportunity to accumulate wealth and cater to homeowners seeking automation solutions.

Medical Supplies

Investing in medical supplies can be strategic if you have a flare for health-related services. However, you can buy stocks in companies manufacturing essential medical equipment or explore opportunities to supply in-demand health-related products.

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)

Engaging in the NFT market involves buying, selling, or creating unique digital assets. These digital assets include art, collectibles, and other unique digital content, which may have the potential for high demand in the growing NFT market.

Online Courses 

Purchasing online courses may not give you the income you desire at the time. Still, subsequently, it might be the most valuable asset you have ever bought. However, to gain just a little presently, buy courses with resale rights and market them to a target audience.

Fitness Equipment

Being active daily is now an adopted way of life for many people, especially athletes and bodybuilders. However, you can tap into this demand by buying and selling these fitness equipment for different purposes, as the case may be. This can earn you a significant amount of money in 2024 and beyond.

Recycle Products 

Buying recycled products such as plastic and metal scraps is a lucrative means of making money while helping the environment. You can start by approaching different homes for these recycled products and then tipping them for their efforts. However, selling this product to recycling companies is how you get to make your profit.

Author: Rhazia Parkar


Driven by a desire to retire early and savor life’s most precious moments, Rhazia is all about maximizing income to fuel her passions. Passionate about family, the great outdoors, and the art of vegan cooking, Rhazia envisions a life where every day is an adventure. Life Unfluffed is her platform for sharing the unfiltered journey toward financial independence, where dollars are a means to an end – a means to spend more time with loved ones, explore nature, and create delicious plant-based meals.